1. Can I connect the devices on the show floor directly with a cable instead of Wi-Fi?
If Wi-Fi congestion and performance is a concern for the client, devices can be directly connected to the kit with an ethernet (CAT5-type) cable.
Cables can be connected to the router, or to an external network switch.
Consult with ETS if you have any questions
2. Why not just use a Hot Spot?
ETS uses enterprise-grade equipment in our network kits. This has been tested and utilized at events and is specifically engineered to work in high-density environments where Hot Spots will fail when Internet and Wi-Fi are most needed.
Beyond equipment, ETS engineers will provide the very best technical support with fast response times and great customer service.
3. Why will ETS’ Wi-Fi work in high density environments when others don’t or are intermittent?
ETS utilizes atypical Wi-Fi channels, that often don’t compete with other Wi-Fi networks.
ETS scans, monitors, and adapts to the Wi-Fi spectrum before and during the event, to ensure the highest signal quality available.
4. My phone has unlimited data. Why does ETS charge for cellular data?
ETS’ Business accounts with our Internet providers are tier-1 level cellular services. This means that our Mobile Internet Kits have the highest priority to the cellular towers versus other devices (including most cell phones and hot spots) within the same location.
NOTE: Most unlimited data plans for phones may be limited to 22GB per month. Once that threshold is reached, the speeds will be reduced to 3G speeds (less than 1Mpbs).
ETS does not have the 22GB of data threshold on any of our Mobile Internet Kits.
5. Do convention centers block Wi-Fi or cellular signals? My hot spot and/or router stopped working once the event started. Can they also ban customers from bringing wireless routers and hot spots, because it creates issues with the venue’s network?
In 2015, the FCC declared that it is illegal for convention centers to block wireless signals.
ETS uses non-typical WIFI channels, resulting in little to no interference with the venue’s Wi-Fi.
References on the web: